Monday, May 4, 2009

The Call

Friends, Family,

Last Tuesday, I received a call from Teach for America (TFA) inviting me to instruct young minds (6th-12th grade) in Science in the public schools of Denver, Colorado (or neighboring communities). This would have been very well received news about 2 months ago, but after a short stint on the purgatory of the waiting list, my once passionate enthusiasm had waned.

The mission of TFA is bold and ambitious. To "eliminate educational inequity in America". By placing energetic, competent leaders in low-income and under performing classrooms, TFA seeks to challenge the prevailing ideology that "schools can’t make a significant difference in the face of socioeconomic disparities, that children of color cannot meet high expectations, and that it is not worthwhile to invest in mitigating the challenges of poverty that make it harder for students to focus at school."

Last Tuesday morning, I was mentally packing for med school in Charleston. Beaches, "market price" seafood, flounder fishing, hot summers and mild winters, and crab cakes were floating through my mind, tethered only by the realities of gross anatomy and microbiology. Med school now makes sense. The economy has seen better days, and its not exactly the best time to get a job in the real world. I still remember a few things from college. Friends my age are in med school now, and I don't want any of them to be my attending physician one day.

Last Tuesday evening, I was given 2 days to decide what to do with my next 2 years. A pro/con list would have said go to MUSC. Family does not get too excited about being left accross the county. Katie does not do so well with snow and cold (as an upside, she is GREAT with smelly hippies). However, this was not a business decision. No Excel charts were employed in the decision making process. I did not use a calculator. The words of Jesus, that my treasure and my heart will be found in the same location (Mat. 6), are central. We believe that what TFA is doing is GOOD, that it is breathing the life and the peace of Christ into children in unfortunate circumstances, and that our part in this mission is to be obedient to the call and serve as selflessly as possible for 2 years.

Last Wednesday, we said yes. We're pumped. and terrified.



I'm so excited for you guys! I'll be praying for the transition and the upcoming challenges. This is an amazing opportunity to pour Christ into these children's lives, don't underestimate the position and abilities God has given you.
Praying for you guys!


Wow! How scary and awesome! Our prayers will be with you as you embark on this journey. Following God's Will can only lead to good things. Good for you stepping out in faith.

Drew Harrison Powell
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Drew Harrison Powell

I voted for everything in my room. I like a lot of pillows. Something to hold at night is always nice since I won't be allowed to have girls over.

Winn Collier

I loved the way you wrote about God's call on your heart - and following his love for the city and the people.

Much of my heart is still in Denver. Those were, in many ways, the golden years for our marriage. Hope they are the same for you.

(though we still wish you were going to be in Cville)


Miller family

Something in me thinks that the Lord's gonna do great things in you two. This is the beginning of one great adventure. Grab hands and hold on! :-)

Jen McDade

Congrats on the move! Sounds very exciting, and Denver has always been on the "to-do" list for us. We'll definitely let you know if we ever make it there!

Taylor and Meagan Ethridge

We are so excited for yall and will be praying for you! Glad you have a blog we can keep up with ya!

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