Disclaimer: I apologize for those reading who like to organize their thoughts, mine are just a string of unrelated things.
Just going to let that sink in for a bit.
I am working with a staffing agency so I am all over Denver doing all kinds of work. I am enjoying it so far and I believe it will be a good fit for me. No better way to learn to be a nurse than to learn how to be a nurse in alllll sorts of situations. I have been mainly working H1N1 vaccination clinics around town which has been very interesting. They are 6 hour long clinics with 15 nurses vaccinating and we have vaccinated over 1,000+ people each time.
Layne also has a new job.
Some of you may be wondering how in the world is that possible... we were too.
Layne is now a 6th grade math teacher (for those that are behind, he started the year as a 6th and 8th grade science teacher).
The logistics are still being worked out but starting this past monday Layne said goodbye to his "young scientists" as he called them and hello to some mathematicians.
It is a odd thing to think about but we think it is a good thing. The school was in desperate need of a math teacher and were giddy to find out he had enough credit hours to teach math.
Ill let him tell you more about it but I thought the blog world might like to know.
My mom bought me a sewing machine as an early Christmas present when she was out here and I have been going to town. Let me just tell any family members that are reading this to expect a homemade Christmas present! I am loving it! I would LOVE to put up pictures of my first conquests on the sewing machine but like I said they are all christmas presents and no one likes a spoiled surprise.
THE BLIZZARD of OCTOBER hit while Layne was home for Clemson homecoming.
29 inches of snow in the month of October, 24 of it the weekend he was gone. Can I add to this story that I have never not once in my life ever ever driven in even a flurries of snow. I was super brave except for the fact that I asked one of Laynes friends to drive to the airport and pick up Tracy who was here to visit. Tracy and I had a great time, we got bundled up (like the little brother in A Christmas Story) and had fun in our park just falling back into the snow. It is difficult to make a snow angel when the snow is as deep and you. Funny thing is that Layne missed it ALL. snowed after he left and was melted when he got home. How does 2 feet of snow melt in one day!?
My Halloween costume, incase you can't read the name tag, I was
the Appalachian trail/Argentinian lover. Layne was supposed to be my Mark Sanford but when he decided to go the Clemson game he gave permission for one of his friends to be my Mark.
Sophie's Halloween costume!!! She is a lady bug! She loved every minute of it. Until she did her possessed running backwards dance trying to get it off of her head.
November 1st I started burning my Christmas Tree candle and since then I am all about Christmas. Not to skip over thanksgiving but since we will not be in South Carolina for thanksgiving my mind is already at Christmas. We are, however, going to cook thanksgiving dinner. We bought a frozen turkey the other day. We did a practice run last week and it went well so I think the meal will be edible. :)
Layne went snowboarding yesterday. It was 70 degrees in Denver but there is snow in the mountains. He equated it the best day in new york. And that was with only 5 of 100+ runs open at Keystone. I think I will lose him to the mountains for the rest of the winter weekends. I plan on going some but I have to learn to like skiing first. It's the whole "out of control" thing that I am not so fond of.
My husband
and my cat
now love each other, as you can tell.
With much Love - Layne, Katie, and Sophie Madden
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