Saturday, April 17, 2010

November - March.

I am going to allow whoever still reads this to judge us for just one moment.


We are sorry it has been 6 months since the last update.
I am aware that that is a very long time.

I decided the best way to catch up anyone who reads our blog would be to go through our iphone pictures, seeing as how we always have our phones with us and usually document any event worthy of documenting.

The Gamecocks won. : ) and while we were not together to watch the game ( good marital advice for any other "houses divided") we realized later that we both ended up at a BBQ place about an hour away from each other. What's the saying, "you can lead Carolina kids to the rockies but they will still eat BBQ"? something like that.

We had the most adorable Christmas tree EVER.
Loved every minute of having it in our house and proceeded to burn through 3 Christmas Tree scented candles just to make the entire house smell like Christmas for almost 2 months.

We went to our first Nuggets game and my first NBA game ever.
Still don't really care about the NBA. Sorry. But it was fun to go.

The next 20 or so pictures in our Iphones are either of the drive to the mountain, the moutians or us bundled up falling down mountains on two sticks. I have still yet to fall in love with skiing. It may just not be my thing. But Layne on the other had has been spending lots of time with "Beatrice" his other lover (aka Breckenridge). I have lost him to the mountain for many a Saturdays but its ok because by the time he comes home from skiing he is so poopped he just wants to watch movies and cuddle ( my favorite!)

Laynes loves "tossing" sophie. He thinks they are bonding. Good thing cats always land on all fours. (no cats were injured in the taking of this photo. she always lands on the bed.)

We made our own "General Tso". It tasted good but made our house smell like chinese food for 2 weeks... NEVER doing that again.

So now that they have all been distrubuted to their new homes I can show you the things I made for Christmas. I wish I had taken more pictures of my first conquests but this one group shot will have to do. Gifts this year included purses (large, small and wristlets) hot pads that were soso, and cable knit hats. It was so much fun to make and even more fun to give homemade things. I see more of this in the future.

Layne had his last day of the semester. He looked good! The tie played jinggle bells and was from the dollar store.

We spent lots of time at home and with family. I love home especially at Christmas, so many old and new traditions ( this being the first Christmas Layne and Ashley experienced "Hollingsworth Christmas") Lots of laughs and lots of food. Lots of celebrations with lots of good friends.

After two weeks we came home, tried to convince our cat she should still like us even though we left her and bought a new TV with our Christmas money.

From January to March was a combination of:




being really cold

the cat being really cold

And me learning how to drive in a blizzard. (no it did not go well but yes I am still alive)


and that one day full of heart shaped things.

See it only took a couple minutes to catch you up from November to March. I am proud of my own organization with this blog post.

Next post will be March Madness and not the kind you are thinking of.

We love you all.
-l&k and lil soph



It's about time!!! Love reading your blog it's so cool when you actually post something:)


Love the update!!!! We miss yall around here!!!

People from South Carolina!!!

Post something new!!!

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